Monday, December 26, 2011

Dear Mason,

Wow you are getting older. Yet you have not changed a bit. You are still that sweet little boy I remember. Even though you could be a little sweeter to your brother and sister. You care so much and were so good to Grandma this Christmas. She needed you and you were so strong for her. You gave her lots of loves and kisses, she needed that. You always seem to know when people are down and give them extra loves. I love that about you. I hope you know I love you. There is so much I want to say and should write more. I am going to try to make it my goal to make sure I write you once a week. I love you sweetheart! Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dear Mason,

I want to tell you I love you today. I hope you know this and you think this is just silly. You are so sweet, kind, and have the most loving personality ever. You cry at the drop of a hat still, which can make me insane, but I love the innocence you still have. You are a HUGE daddy's boy which gets me a little jealous, but I can't blame you, you have an amazing father. Just show a little love to mom once in awhile, please! I want to be a better mom and show you more every day; that I love you more the words can say. I never want our time together to end without you knowing just how much you mean to me. I hope I die an old, old lady, and get the chance to see you grown into an amazing man, father, husband, and person. I know you are going to do great things and will make someone very happy one day.

I love you son,